Michelle Kuhn

  • Contractual Mail and eRA Systems Team Lead
Office of Sponsored Programs
110 Technology Center University Park, PA 16802
Phone Number: 
Fax Number: 





Michelle’s primary responsibilities as Electronic Systems and Contract Compliance Team Lead include overseeing hundreds of electronic systems used for proposal submission, award distribution, and reporting. She coordinates OSP’s contractual compliance with all reporting requirements (technical reports, financial reports, and patent reports). She also serves as the primary contact for various sponsor issue flags in SIMS and works with other units for resolution.  Her team includes Carol Maddox, Rebecca Shultz and Danna Smith.

Michelle has over 20 years of experience in OSP and over 30 years at Penn State. Previous roles in OSP include Processor Team Lead and Subcontract Coordinator. Prior to working in OSP, Michelle worked in Human Resources in Pattee Library. Michelle currently serves as Chair of OSP’s Process Efficiency Committee.