Seeking online volunteers to evaluate three line graphs .

You are invited to participate in a research project studying a guideline for a line graph. Our goal is to see how people apply the guideline and gather their critiques on the guideline. You will review three line graphs and answer surveys, and all tasks can be completed in one hour. You will receive a $10 Amazon gift card after finishing all tasks. However, we will randomly select a participant to do these visualization evaluations.

Please sign up in . If you are selected, we will send you an email about the experiment.


Penn State IRB Approval Number: 

Participant Inclusion Criteria

Gender criteria: 
No Gender Requirements
Starting Age in Years: 
Additional Inclusion Criteria: 

You have NOT been trained in visualization design.

Will compensation be provided?: 
Compensation amount:: 
$10 Amazon gift card after you finish all tasks.

Study Dates, Times and Location

Location of Study: 
By Appointment?: 
Approx Study Length: 
Study Length Details: 
You will use the guideline to evaluate the first line graph to be familiar with the tool (about 5 minutes), and then test other three line graphs (about 45 minutes). At the end, you will do the feedback survey (about 5 minutes). You will receive $10 Amazon gift card after finishing all tasks.

Contact Information

Contact Name: 
Chulakorn Aritajati
Website for research study: