Research Opportunity for Women with 12 years of Education or Less who have Experienced Stressful Romantic Relationships!

Have you ever experienced a stressful romantic relationship? You may be eligible for a research study that looks at how women think, remember, problem solve, and feel in stressful romantic relationships. To be eligible, you must be a woman over the age of 18 with 12 years of education or less, and have a history of, or are currently experiencing, stress in a romantic relationship. Additional criteria will be assessed over the phone. Please contact Jessica Meyer at 814-865-5578 or to find out more and to see if you are eligible.  The 3- hour study visit takes place on the Penn State campus and you will be given $75 for your time.

Penn State IRB Approval Number: 

Participant Inclusion Criteria

Gender criteria: 
Starting Age in Years: 
Will compensation be provided?: 
Compensation amount:: 

Study Dates, Times and Location

Location of Study: 
Moore Building, Penn State University Park Campus
By Appointment?: 
Approx Study Length: 
Study Length Details: 
The study will be completed in one 3-hour session

Contact Information

Contact Name: 
Jessica Meyer
Contact Email:
Contact Phone Number: 