Personnel Types

Academic - rankings can be found in Definitions of Academic Rank (AC21)

Graduate Assistantships

  • There are three appointment types: Quarter-Time, Half-Time, and Three-Quarter-Time
  • Duration: The expected duration of assigned tasks is the same for all graduate assistants within the same type. Thus, for all quarter-time graduate assistants, irrespective of stipend, 10 hours of regular work per week is expected; for all half-time assistants, 20 hours; and for all three-quarter-time assistants, 30 hours. A semester normally consists of 18 full weeks, and extended summer session consists of 12 weeks.  
  • Terms of Offer 
  • Table of Stipends to Graduate Assistants and Postdoctoral Appointments
  • Summer Tuition Assistance Program

Helpful Hints: Graduate Appointments and summer wages should NOT overlap, especially if both are being paid from federally funded projects/awards.

  • Tuition should follow stipend; the tuition amount CANNOT exceed the stipend to tuition ratio. Please see the examples below.

    Example Stipend Tuition
    #1  100% charged to I/O You can charge 0-100% of tuition to the award
    #2   50% charged to I/O You can charge 0-50% of tuition to the award
    #3   0% charged to I/O You cannot pay tuition to the award unless specified in the award

    **Any remaining tuition balance may be distributed to unrestricted funds, GIA, endowments, gifts, etc.**

For more information please see Graduate Assistants (PR06)


  • See the Payment policy for Fellows and Scholars (PR03)
  • Predoctoral Fellow stipend and tuition may not be paid to a sponsored award unless funds were specifically provided in the award for the fellowship.
  • Predoctoral Fellow tuition must be distributed in Labor Distribution using the Tuition Clearing Cost Center and Predoctoral Fellow stipend must be distributed in Labor Distribution Salary Cleaing Cost Center.
  • Fellows do not incur fringe benefits. They may receive health insurance which is coordinated by the units financial officers. Please click here for University Health Services (UHS) rates. 


Postdoctoral Appointments (HR68)

Wages and Fixed-Term II


Administrative Staff