Submit a Disclosure in COINS

Submit a Disclosure

Step-by-step guide for a user who has created a disclosure and is ready to submit the disclosure.

  1. Log into COINS (
  2. On My Home page, depending on your profile, you may have more than one applicable disclosure (Researcher Disclosure and/or University Official Disclosure).
  3. When you are ready to submit your disclosure, click Submit on the Researcher and / or University Official disclosure(s).

        Researcher and UO Card.PNG

Researcher Disclosures 

  1. After clicking Submit, review the information provided on the next page.
  2. Check all the checkboxes and click OK. 
  3. You will receive an email confirmation from COINS to verify your form was successfully submitted. 

       Researcher Submit Disclosure Page

Univeristy Official Disclosures 

  1. After clicking Submit, click OK on the next page. 
  2. You will receive an email confirmation from COINS to verify your form was successfully submitted.