Update Your Disclosure with Venture or Other Capital Financing Information

What Has Changed?

Effective 01/30/2023: The U.S. government expanded the definition of Significant Financial Interest (SFI) to include venture and other capital financing.

Does This Change Apply to Me?

If you previously disclosed equity/ownership in a non-public company, start-up, or private business in your COINS disclosure, this change applies to you.

What Do I Need to Do?

Follow the steps below to update your COINS disclosure. You will not be able to submit your COINS disclosure until you have done so. 

Who Do I Contact if I Need Help or Have Questions?

Contact coinsadmin@psu.edu with questions.


  1. Log in to COINS.

NOTE: On My Home page, depending on your profile, you may have more than one applicable disclosure (Researcher Disclosure and/or University Official Disclosure). The venture or other capital financing question is only included in your Researcher Disclosure on the left.

  1. Click Edit or Update in the Researcher Disclosure box.

          Edit a Saved Disclosure

  1. Review each page of the disclosure and make any necessary updates.
  2. Click Continue in the upper or lower right of the disclosure to navigate from page to page.
  3. On the Identify the Equity Interests page, a list of your previously disclosed entities is displayed. NOTE: Even if you have no updates to this page, you will need to click Update and answer one additional question for each non-publicly traded entity where you hold equity/ownership.

          Identify Equity Interests Page

  1. Click the Update button next to a non-public entityNOTE: Venture and other capital financing information is not required for publicly traded entities. 

          Update button for a non-publicly traded entity

  1. The Edit COI – SFBI Equity Data Entry pop-up window  is now displayed. Scroll down and answer question #5 by listing the names of all other investors in the company, including any individuals, venture capital firms, or other entities who have either invested or committed to an investment. 

          Question 5 of the SFBI Equity Data Entry dialog box

  1. Click OK in the lower right
  2. Repeat steps 6 – 8 for any additional non-public entities.
  3. When finished, click the Continue button in the upper / lower right to navigate through the disclosure, updating each page as necessary.
  4. On the Final Page of the disclosure, click Save & Exit to return to the Home page

          Final page of disclosure

  1. When you are ready to submit your disclosure, on the Home page, click Submit on the applicable disclosure(s).

          Submit button on a disclosure.png