Principal Investigator Instructions for NSF Safety Plan


Principal Investigators who have answered “Yes” to the “NSF off-campus or off-site research” question in the Internal Approval Form must complete a safety plan as follows:

  • If the safety plan requirement is specifically included in the NSF solicitation (currently in most BIO and GEO solicitations), you will need to follow the solicitation instructions for the completion of the plan.The plan is submitted to NSF as part of the full proposal.
  • Absent a specific solicitation requirement, you will need to complete an internal safety plan, available at  Please navigate to this page to complete the required plan information.  Once you’ve completed the required plan information, your plan should then be submitted for review and approval via email to, with a copy to your College research administrator.  The Office of Equal Opportunity and Access is responsible for ensuring that your plan is sufficient and will work with you if any changes need to be made.  Once your plan is approved, you will receive an email containing the completed and signed plan.  Please work with your College research administrator to upload a copy of the approved plan to the proposal file.  Internal safety plans are not submitted to NSF with the full proposal.  Important:  No work can commence on the project until an approved safety plan is in place.