NIH Emphasizes Reporting Guidelines for Animal Research

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Office for Research Protections     |     IACUC  

NIH's Office for the Director has released a notice strongly encouraging the use of the ARRIVE Essential 10 Checklist for any publications involving NIH-supported research on vertebrate animals and cephalopods. This move supports existing NIH efforts to enhance scientific rigor and transparency. 

What are the ARRIVE Guidelines? 

The ARRIVE (Animal Research: Reporting of In Vivo Experiments) Essential 10 outlines basic elements essential to properly report study design. This includes details like sample sizes, randomization, blinding, and statistical methods. 

Why is This Important? 

Using the ARRIVE Essential 10 ensures that reviewers and the scientific community can adequately assess the findings of animal research. This emphasis aligns with broader NIH initiatives to promote reproducibility and robust scientific outcomes. 

Learn More 

Visit the NIH notice page  

Explore the ARRIVE guidelines