New Poultry Module in CITI

Office for Research Protections     |     IACUC  

The IACUC program at University Park announces the adoption of a new module in CITI for training researchers working with poultry. Moving forward, all personnel working with poultry on an IACUC protocol will be required to take this new poultry module in CITI.

Penn State utilizes the online training platform, Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI), to provide training as required for multiple regulatory programs such as IACUC. All researchers working with animals at Penn State are required to complete both a basic CITI IACUC module as well as a CITI species-specific module. While the basic IACUC module must be retaken every three years, the species-specific module never expires.

Until recently, there had been no poultry module for personnel to complete. Following the USDA Final Rule on Birds, CITI has created a new module titled “Working with Poultry in Agricultural Research Settings.” The IACUC reviewed the new poultry training module and has approved it for use as of January 2024.

Training completion will be required prior to IACUC approval of the following protocol submissions:

  1. New protocols involving poultry
  2. Triennial reviews (de novo review every three years)
  3. Protocol amendments adding new personnel to protocols involving poultry

Before the IACUC protocol submission can be approved, all training must be completed by all personnel listed on the protocol. Note, the CITI training can be completed at any time and in advance of a protocol submission to prevent any delays in approval.  Access the CITI site, or find instructions for navigating CITI

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