Checklist for Departing Researchers - Sponsored Funds
2.a. Grants and Contracts. Penn State must assess the impact of a researcher’s departure on all active grants and contracts on which he or she has contributed effort, whether as principal investigator, co-investigator, unpaid collaborator, etc. Penn State typically needs to seek its sponsors’ approval of any changes to key personnel. Some grants and contracts may need to be terminated, relinquished, or transferred to the researcher’s new institution. Other grants and contracts might remain at Penn State. In such cases, it may be possible to issue subawards to the researcher’s new institution to allow collaborations to continue.
2.b. Reports and Other Deliverables. Whenever possible, reports and other deliverables should be submitted prior to a researcher’s departure. In cases where that is not possible, the Department Head should document a plan for ensuring all reports will be submitted in accordance with Penn State’s contractual commitments. This may involve identifying other individuals at Penn State who can accept responsibility for completing outstanding deliverables.
Note: At the College of Medicine, please contact the Office of Research Affairs for additional guidance. At all other locations, please contact the Office of Sponsored Programs.