For Researchers
The Research Data Management Policy Committee was charged in May 2022 to define research data and record management, as well as storage standards for research conducted at the University. In the...
An extensive catalog of all technologies, platforms, and services in areas of computing, cyberinfrastructure, and data available to aid in research projects.
The Strategic Interdisciplinary Research Office (SIRO) is a research administration unit of the Office of the Vice President for Research that is organized to support both the development of...
The Animal Resource Program (ARP) provides veterinary care and disease prevention and health monitoring programs for laboratory animals, wildlife, and agricultural animals; manages laboratory animal...
All Disclosures of Significant Financial Interests and all Annual Updates to previously completed Disclosures must be made electronically on the new COINS (Conflict Of INterest System) website.
The RCS helps investigators strengthen grant writing skills, form collaborative teams, and develop complex research proposals. This website functions as a virtual RCS, supporting investigators with...
Information on managing conflicts of interest when doing research at Penn State, or working with Penn State researchers. Includes information on the COINS system and required disclosures.
Information on SciVal and finding funds to support your research.
Innovation Gateway is a resource for faculty and graduate students to find industrial research partnership opportunities. The interactive platform allows greater collaboration with industry,...
The IACUC is a standing committee at Penn State that oversees and evaluates all aspects of the University's animal care and use program. The Committee's composition and responsibilities are mandated...
Information for postdocs at Penn State.
Information for incoming and current postdocs.
It takes less than a minute to create or link your ORCiD ID to your Penn State Access account.
If you already have an ORCiD ID you can link it to your PSU log-in via the ORCiD Portal. If you don't...
The primary responsibility of the University Isotopes Committee (UIC) is to ensure that Penn State complies with regulations established by the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and...
The Animal, Biosafey and Isotope Research Protection Program, in the Office for Research Protections, facilitates the activities of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at all campus...
The primary responsibility of the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) is to review research and teaching activities involving the use of materials that have the potential to pose a danger to the...
The purpose of the Research Collaboration Fellowship is to initiate and foster research collaborations between Penn State faculty at the University Park (UP) or the College of Medicine (CoM) and at...
The Research Instrumentation Management System (RIMS) is the web-based platform used to manage Penn State's core facilities. Currently RIMS is managing on the order of 200 instruments in various lab...
Information on the SARI@PSU program for new and established faculty.
Search for grants and other funding sources.