LinkedIn and Networking Tips for Postdocs

Fri, Mar. 31, 2023 - 3:00 PM
6th floor of the Eric J. Barron Innovation Hub, 123 S. Burrowes St.

To catalyze networking as an early career researcher, it's important to optimize your LinkedIn profile and learn best practices for building a strong professional network, an "academic family" for many of you.  This is a high-impact workshop with tangible benefits for both academic and business/industry job seekers.  It will include insights drawn from consultation with faculty and executive recruiters as well as rich peer discussion.  Diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging will be addressed in the context of professional self-marketing and engagement, sharing tips especially useful for international postdocs and those from historically underrepresented groups.

Optimizing your digital blueprint, including your profile, can make a significant difference in how you're perceived online and how your talent gets recognized.  More importantly, networking is considered the best job search strategy when it's carefully executed in line with norms and expectations.  With so much change and uncertainty, this is a programmatic area that deserves high prioritization annually to talk through the nuances and hear helpful updates.

To register, click here.