Annual Postdoctoral Research Symposium

Fri, Dec. 08, 2023 - 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
HUB-Robeson Center, Heritage Hall

Schedule for the 2023 Postdoctoral Research Symposium:

8:30 AM      Breakfast

9:00 AM      Strategies for Finding and Working with Diverse Collaborators with Dr. Christina Grozinger

9:30 AM      Panel Discussion: Managing Your Digital Presence as a Postdoc with Dr. Colin Zarzycki, Dr. Kelley Cotter and Courtney Witmer

10:30 AM    Peer Engagement Activity

11:00 AM    Lightning Talks, Session 1

12:00 PM    Lunch (optional: visit Dr. Lauren Broyles at her table to learn more about water and water-related research and initiatives)

1:00 PM      Lightning Talks, Session 2

2:00 PM      Poster Sessions

3:00 PM      Ask Me Anything: Career Q&A on Machine Learning and AI with Dr. Romit Maulik and (later) Dr. Guido Cervone

4:00 PM      Prize Announcements (audience and judge awards for posters and talks, small gifts for everyone present!)

Planning Committee:

With additional assitance from:

Dr. Andrew Polasky