Checklist for Departing Researchers - Human Subjects and Institutional Review Board (IRB) Protocols

If the departing investigator is listed as the Pricnipal Investigator (PI) on one or more active protocols in CATS IRB, this person is responsible for notifying the HRPP well in advance of their departure to close the study at Penn State or submit a modification to name another appropriately qualified individual currently at the institution to serve as the PI. Click here for information on how to submit a study closure. 

If the departing investigator is listed as a study team member on one or more active protocols in CATS IRB, this person is responsible for notifying the PI of their departure; a study team member modification must be submitted for each study to remove this person from the study team.

There are some circumstances where IRB reliance may be appropriate in the transfer of an IRB protocol from one institution to another.  Investigators should contact the HRPP to discuss whether this is an option well in advance of their departure.

Contact the HRPP with questions.