Student Submission Guide

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Faculty members supervising student investigators are required to:

  • Help determine whether projects require IRB review and assist students with the process.
  • Be familiar with the ethical and regulatory requirements of human subjects research.
  • Discuss research ethics with the students.
  • Advise students conducting international studies on understanding the local customs and ethics, as well as satisfying local regulations.
  • Monitor student projects, paying attention to confidentiality, privacy, risk, voluntary participation and withdrawal, and informed consent.
  • Assure that any unexpected or adverse events are reported to the IRB.

Note: Faculty overseeing student investigators should review student submissions before they are sent to the IRB.


Student Research: Deciding when to submit

  • For most IRB/human subjects work, students should have their own IRB approval or Not Human Subjects Determination.
  • You will need to submit a new protocol to the IRB if you are a student working on faculty research and your project adds a new/unique/supplemental/different component to that work.
  • You might need to submit a new protocol to the IRB if your project targets a component of the existing faculty protocol and delves more deeply into that area. It is possible that participants have not agreed to your project via the consent form, and the IRB will need to review your project to confirm.
  • Best practices for human subjects research is to contact your IRB analyst to confirm whether your project needs to be reviewed. 


CATS IRB for Students and Faculty Overseeing Student Investigators

Students conducting research and faculty overseeing student investigators have distinct responsibilities when submitting to the IRB through CATS IRB. The left column below outlines how students may submit to the IRB, either as the Primary Investigator (PI) with a faculty member on the study team or on behalf of a faculty member. The right column below outlines how faculty members can review student created submissions.

Before creating a new study in CATS IRB, review the IRB Basic Steps and attend at CATS IRB Submission training.

Students: Creating Submissions

  • Review the “Create and Submit a Study” guide
  • If submitting on behalf of another investigator:
    • On the “Basic Information” page, update the PI field to change your name to the PI’s name.
    • List yourself as a student investigator on the “Study Team” page. Include the PI’s qualifications on HRP-509.
    • Become the Primary Contact or request to be the PI Proxy (only the PI can assign a PI Proxy) in order to receive IRB notifications.
  • Complete all questions in the Study Submission Form and upload appropriate supporting materials.
  • Notify the PI or faculty member overseeing the research when ready to submit by selecting “Add Comment” on the left side of the submission workspace. Only the Principal Investigator (PI) or PI Proxy is able to submit. Do not notify the IRB Coordinator.
  • If the PI or adviser request revisions, make necessary updates by selecting “Edit Study.”
  • Students are reminded to close their completed studies prior to graduation.


See also

Faculty: Reviewing Student-Created Submissions

  •  Access the study in CATS IRB. The study will be available from “My Inbox.”
  • Review the submission by clicking “Edit Study” on the left side of the submission workspace or by clicking “Printer Version” to display a single page, non-editable version. Use the New Submission Checklist to evaluate the completeness of the submission.
  • If revisions are needed, click “Add Comment” on the left side of the study workspace to communicate any required changes or comments to the student. If the student is not the PI, indicate that the Primary Contact should receive an email notification.
  • If the submission is ready, click “Submit” to send to the IRB or notify the student to submit.
  • Confirm the study is submitted to the IRB. If submitted properly, the diagram on the study work space will transition from the “Pre-Submission” to “Pre-Review” state.
  • When a study is submitted, all study staff will automatically be notified by CATS IRB via email.
  • Faculty should remind students to close their completed studies prior to graduation.