College of Education

Michael Tocimak

  • Contracting Officer
  • Export Specialist
Office of Sponsored Programs
110 Technology Center Building University Park, PA 16802
Phone Number: 
Fax Number: 





As Export Specialist, Michael works with Penn State faculty and OSP contracting officers to coordinate export reviews for sponsored research. Michael also reviews RFPs, processes gifts and grants, and negotiates contracts, subawards, and modifications thereto.

Prior to working in the Office of Sponsored Programs, Michael worked as a Financial Assistant and Proposal and Award Generalist in the College of Education. Prior to that, he worked in the public sector as an RF Engineer/Project Manager, working with the FCC and other federal, state, and local agencies.

  • Mike also negotiates the following special agreements:
    • Tobacco Settlement Funds (PA Dept. of Health) CURE
    • Vendor/Portal Terms, Reps & Certs  (eRA systems)