UIC Applications

Deadline for submission of UIC Applications is 5:00 p.m. 30 days prior to expiration date of previously approved applications. Applications not previously approved can be submitted at any time.  If you have questions about meetings or deadlines, please contact the ORP at ORP-Isotope@psu.edu

Instructions for Applying

Download the appropriate application materials from the EHS website: https://ehs.psu.edu/radioactive-materials/forms.

Complete the form(s) and email them to the UIC: ORP-Isotope@psu.edu.

Application Process

To better understand what will happen after you submit a proposal to our office, please review the UIC Review Process Flowchart.

Sites of Interest

PSU Environmental Health and Safety
Table of Nuclides - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)