The Diving Control Board

The Diving Control Board

The Diving Control (safety) Board has autonomous and absolute authority over the operations of the Penn State Scientific Diving Program. Functions of the Board are:

  1. Approves and monitors diving projects.
  2. Reviews and revises the diving safety manual.
  3. Assures compliance with the manual.
  4. Certifies Scientific Divers for the Penn State Science Diving Program.
  5. Certifies depths to which a diver has been trained.
  6. Takes disciplinary action for unsafe practices.
  7. Assures adherence to the buddy system for scuba diving.


Membership of the Board includes:

  1. A Chairperson elected by the Board.
  2. The University Dive Safety Officer (DSO).
  3. A representative from each unit actively involved in scientific diving for research or education.
  4. A representative (dive instructor) from the Kinesiology scuba diving program.
  5. Director of Research Protections.


Current Members:

  1. Chair. Todd LaJeunesse, Professor of Biology, Eberly College of Science
  2. DSO. Lee-Roy Haarhaus, Office for Research Protections, Dive Safety Officer (DSO)/Drone Operations Analyst
  3. Timothy White, Research Professor, Earth and Environmental Systems Institute
  4. Monica Medina, Professor of Biology, Eberly College of Science
  5. Debra Thurley, Associate Vice President for Research and Director of Research Protections, Office for Research Protections